Welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood! Whether you’re a first-time parent or already have kids, these newborn hacks will help you feel better prepared for navigating through the first few months with a newborn.
Some parents enter into life with a newborn having had prior experience with kids. Whether from caring for kids at work or taking care of family and friend’s children, you may think you’re a pro! For me, I worked as a NICU nurse for about two years before becoming a mom, and my husband was an elementary school teacher! We thought this newborn phase would be a breeze!!!
Well, we were wrong. Haha.
Caring for other people’s children and having your own are two completely different things. For one, you are responsible for your child 24/7, not just for a few hours. Both parents will experience sleep deprivation like never before. Moms will be struggling with the physical healing from labor and delivery, whether they had a vaginal birth or a C-section.
Let’s also not forget those pesky postpartum hormones. You may experience the highest of highs and lowest of lows during your postpartum period. If you’re anything like me, you may experience postpartum anxiety, or you may experience postpartum depression. You may have complications after birth, your baby may need a NICU stay, or maybe you’re just struggling with getting the hang of breastfeeding. Yes, mastitis is a real thing, and it SUCKS.
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After experiencing everything with my first baby, I have thought A LOT about ways to make my life easier and more stress-free with baby number 2. Here is a list of my top newborn hacks that will make your life with a newborn easier.
Table of Contents
Changing Diapers
Pay Attention to the Line on the Diaper
There is a thin yellow line on the bottom of every diaper. When your baby has a wet diaper, this line turns blue! It’s super handy so you can quickly look at the line and see if the baby needs to be changed or not!
Before You Take Off Your Baby’s Dirty Diaper, Place a Clean One Underneath Them
When you do a diaper change, it is instinct to first remove the dirty diaper, and then place a new one on. After years of experience, I have found it best first to open up and place a clean diaper under your baby’s bottom before you remove the old diaper. By doing this, you can catch any urine or stool that may occur during the diaper change in the new diaper. This will save you in the long run from having to clean your changing pad covers excessively.
I also recommend that when you undo the old diaper, you fold the straps back on themselves so that when you pick up the baby’s bottom to grab the old diaper out, the straps don’t get caught on the new diaper.
Diaper Caddy
Keeping all of your diaper-changing supplies in a diaper caddy makes it easy to stay organized. It’s also useful if you’re going to be changing your baby in multiple places throughout your home. All you have to do is grab the caddy, and you can have everything you need no matter which room you’re in.
Feeding Your Baby
Do NOT Wake Your Baby to Eat Throughout the Night
Working in the NICU, I teach all of our parents that babies need to be fed every 3 hours, period. This is not the case unless your newborn has a medical condition and your provider has told you to do this. Since I was conditioned to do this with my newborn, I did, and I paid for it. My baby did not sleep through the night without needing middle-of-the-night feeds until well after ONE YEAR. Legit never had one full night’s sleep in that first year. I hear stories from my friends where their babies sleep through the night at just three months old!
Now, I know all babies are different, and maybe it was just a coincidence, but I truly believe that waking my baby to breastfeed him conditioned him to wake up throughout the night. For baby number 2, unless there is a medical condition or if he/she loses a significant amount of weight in the first week, I will NOT be waking my baby to eat. I will feed my secondborn on their cues throughout the night.
Breastfeeding Cart
Having a breastfeeding cart is super handy! As you move room to room throughout your home, you can roll your breastfeeding cart with you so you can have everything you need. You can even make room on your cart for your diaper caddy so you can have it all in one place.
Put a Command Hook on the Back of the High Chair for Bibs
This is something I didn’t do with my firstborn, but I think it’s genius! Put a command strip on the back of your highchair so you can hang your baby bibs right on it. I wish I knew this trick with my baby so I didn’t have to keep going back and forth between the dining room and the bedroom to get bibs.
Hacks for Newborn Sleep
Get At Least 2 Sets of Mattress Protectors and 2 Sets of Fitted Sheets
Whether your baby sleeps in a bassinet or a crib, you should have at least two mattress protectors and two fitted sheets. The tip here is to layer them all on the mattress at once. Place a mattress protector, a fitted sheet, a mattress protector, and another fitted sheet. Newborns tend to have a lot of blowouts during the night. By layering your sheets like this, you can easily just remove the top sheet and mattress protector in the middle of the night without having to struggle to throw new sheets on the mattress.
Get a Mattress Protector for Your Bed
If you don’t already have a mattress protector on your bed, I highly recommend one. This will protect your mattress from milk leaks, diaper blowouts, baby vomit, and so much more.
White Noise Machine
Newborns are used to the noises from inside their mom’s womb. The white sound or heartbeat noises both bring newborns comfort. Pair this with blackout curtains, and your newborn will sleep so much better! Our 2-year-old still uses his white noise machine! It also helps to block out any noise from the TV in the living room late at night when he is asleep and Mom and Dad are still awake.
Sleep When Baby Sleeps
This one is easier said than done. You will be tempted to do laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, bills, etc when you finally have a spare moment. Do NOT. After going through labor and having a newborn you will be exhausted. Have a friend come over and watch the baby while you do those things. When your baby sleeps, try your best to sleep also because newborns are unpredictable. One night they may be sleeping through the night and the next they’ll be waking up 5 separate times.
Changing Your Newborn
The Wide Tops on Baby Onesies Serve a Purpose
One, if your baby has a blowout, you can slide the onesie down to take it off of them. By doing this, you can avoid risking getting stool anywhere near your baby’s precious face.
Buy Baby Wipes in Bulk
Baby wipes are for way more than just diaper changes. We use baby wipes for diaper changes, cleaning our sons’ hands and face, wiping down surfaces, and so much more. We carry our baby wipes everywhere with us, even with our son at 2 years old.
Avoid Placing Baby in Any Outfits with Snaps Overnight
Outfits with a lot of snaps on them will take you a long time to take off and put on, especially during the middle of the night. When you are tired and half-awake, you do not want to be struggling to snap these on your baby. I highly recommend just getting sleepers that zip up and down, as they are much easier to use.
How to Get Things Done with a Newborn
Have Multiple Safe Places for the Baby to Lay
Bassinet, crib, swing, pack-n-play, floor mat, etc. Have a safe place in every room of your home for your baby to safely lie if you need to use the restroom or get things done.
Get a Baby Swing or Mamaroo
Newborns love motion. Our son wanted to be held NONSTOP. We initially had a normal newborn swing and our son was not a fan of it. The second we bought a mama roo and put him in it, he rested peacefully and mom could finally get a little bit of stuff done around the house (or just catch a breath haha).
Wear Your Baby
On that same note, get something you can use to carry your baby on you, hands-free. There are SO MANY different brands to choose from. Tushbaby, infantino, Ergo Baby, momcozy, boba, Solly Baby, etc. My personal favorite was my Solly baby personal wrap. I found it way easier to use and more comfortable than the ergo baby or tushbaby.
Take Your Baby Outside
Is your baby crying nonstop? Has really bad reflux? Can’t sleep or relax? Take them outside. Or on a walk. You can even take them for a car ride. I can’t tell you exactly why this works, but it does. Whenever our son wouldn’t stop crying as a newborn, we took him out into the backyard and he immediately would relax. Sometimes babies just want a change of scenery.
Ask for Help
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether it’s with the baby, cleaning your house, or getting a break to take a shower or a nap. It truly does take a community. When our son was born, my husband didn’t get any leave from his job and I ended up asking him to quit his job because I just needed the help those first few weeks and all of our family lived an hour or more away.
Newborn Health
Stock Up on Newborn Medicine Cabinet Essentials
You never know when your newborn will get their first cold, stomach bug, constipation, etc. Here are a few supplies to keep on hand in case of a rainy day:
Baby Thermometer
First Aid Kit
Gripe water
Normal saline spray + nasal aspirator
Disclaimer: As always, check with your pediatrician before administering any medications to your newborn. Newborns are very sensitive to medications and depending on their weight, size, and age will need different doses. At your first pediatrician appointment with your newborn, ask your provider for a list of what medications your newborn can get for their current age and size.
Trim Fingernails After Bath
Newborn nails are long right after birth and they can easily scratch themselves. I highly recommend trimming their nails when they’re nice and soft, such as after bath time, as it makes it faster and easier. I also preferred to use an electric newborn nail file as opposed to nail clippers so I wouldn’t risk slipping and cutting a fingertip.
Welcoming a newborn into your life is an extraordinary journey filled with love, challenges, and countless memorable moments. As parents, we often find ourselves navigating uncharted territories, learning and growing alongside our little ones. While each experience is unique, the wisdom gained from those who have walked this path before us can be invaluable.
These newborn hacks are not just about making life a little easier; they are a testament to the resilience, creativity, and adaptability of parents everywhere. From navigating sleepless nights to mastering the art of diaper changes, every tip and trick shared here is a reminder that we are not alone in this journey.
As you embark on this adventure, remember to be kind to yourself, ask for help when needed, and cherish every precious moment with your newborn. Parenthood is a beautiful rollercoaster ride, and with a little bit of preparation and a whole lot of love, you’ll find yourself embracing the joy and wonder of this magical journey. Here’s to the amazing adventure that lies ahead!

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